Our Alternative Therapy Provider Network allows veterans to search for alternative therapy options as a part of their healing journey; our goal is to provide an extensive network of providers that empower stability and healing to our heroes.
We accept applications from organizations, non-profits, and retreat centers that offer alternative/holistic options.
The Stop, Drop and Push (SDP) Campaign assists Veterans with grants that cover the cost of lodging, transportation and meals while participating in alternative/holistic therapy programs.
- Organizations need to complete the online Therapy Provider application.
- The vetting process can take up to 4 weeks, and may include gathering more supporting documentation from your organization, a phone interview, and SDP committee review/approval.
- Organizations must provide requested business documents such as corporation setup documents, licensure, and insurance.
- Once approved by the SDP Committee, the organization’s name, website and a short description will be added to our National Database.
- There is zero cost for organizations to apply and be added to our database.
Types of Alternative Therapies

What is Alternative Therapy?
Research has determined that alternative therapy plays an important role in a "whole body" approach to wellness on the road to recovery for many veterans. Some examples of alternative therapy include:
- Animal-assisted therapy
- Yoga
- Recreational therapy (martial arts, mountain climbing, rafting, etc.)
- Mindfuless and art therapy
Some of these alternative therapy programs are well funded with zero program costs to veterans while others require the veteran to pay out of pocket.
A majority of these programs do not pay for transportation, lodging, meals and other costs associated to participate. The Stop, Drop and Push (SDP) Campaign assists Veterans with grants that cover the cost of lodging, transportation and meals while participating in alternative/holistic therapy programs.